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Print on washable textiles for decoration with HP Latex Printers

HP_RaúlVílchez 3rd of April 2019

Today´s residential spaces are full of exciting designs and customized interior decoration is in demand. HP Latex Technology is ideally suited to the task and can help you easily enter into this fast-growing market. Expand your production into high-margin home décor applications and look for new design opportunities to differentiate your business.

This document provides information about:

  • Textile brands, references, types, classifications and their main applications within the scope of Decoration
  • A list of textiles that have been tested to guarantee good/very good dry-rub and scratch compared to the materials we have tested so far.
  • All the information and resources that we are offering for each material from the list:
    • Whether the substrate requires an ink collector or not.
    • The recommended media presets (per printer) that the customer must use in order to get the best results with each material (speed, amount of ink and other additional settings).
    • The different options for customers for finding media presets and the previously mentioned information.
  • The key customer requirements regarding the improved performance and/or durability as well as the regulations used in order to verify image resistance, the test results and the thresholds.
  • Information about media vendor distribution.

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