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Error code 47.5:11

HP Latex 570 Printer

#1 james.nixon6692 5 years ago

I keep getting error code 47.5:11 on printer start up. How do i fix it?

#2 kelvin.ng5186 5 years ago

#1 47.05:11 – Ink leak detected in the 3 Liter Ink Upgrade Kit tray Problem description: The printer has detected an ink leak in the 3 Liter Ink Upgrade Kit tray. Corrective action:Service engineer: Replace the leaky part (ink cartridge or ink line). Clean the 3 Liter Ink Upgrade Kit tray. Clean the ink leakage sensor and also the other affected parts. In some cases, cleaning the sensor is not enough to recover the machine. In that case, change the ink leakage sensor.

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#3 james.nixon6692 5 years ago

Thanks, working fine now

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#4 bimyusuf52 5 years ago

i clean the ink tray ,but same error is coming again ......

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#5 paliony16823 a year ago

Error 47.5:11 checking starts with the leak sensor on the bottom of the stand on which 3L ink bags are. It is in the right hand corner, need to disconnect ink cartridges and remove metal panel. This gets shorted by debri and water easily especially after moving printer around or relocating. Good luck.

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#6 gunaydinmesajlari a year ago

#2 said Clean the 3 Liter Ink Upgrade Kit tray Thank you.

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