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Help with printing vinyl.

#1 Mail5022 6 years ago

I’m having big problems printing monomeric vinyls. Just can’t get the sweet spot. Does Any have a recommendations on settings as all the profiles I’ve used have been complete failures. And I’m wasting time and money on materials? Thanks in advance

#2 HP-Sonia 6 years ago

#1 I would suggest you to use certified medias, with his certified media profiles that he will find on the web: or directly from front panel. You can refine your search by printer and type of substrate. Is also considered a good practice to perform a color calibration for every and ICC profile. If any of this recommendations doesn’t help, please attached a few picture so I will be able to see in more detail your issue.

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#3 Mail5022 6 years ago


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#4 Mail5022 6 years ago


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#5 HP-Sonia 6 years ago

After see pictures I can understand a little bit more about you issues. It seems that is not enough curing temperature. Sometimes, if we print big areas with high density colors then more curing temperature is needed. If it's not possible to increase the curing temperature, then, inter-swath delay keeping media under curing system for more time. How to modify this from printer FP: -Increase curing temperature: You can do it while printing pressing adjustments button of the printing preview showed on the front panel. Another way to do it, is to edit the media preset and fine tuning curing temperature. -In case you will be curing at maximum temperature, or increase temperature, there is another way to solve it: by introducing inter-swath delay, there is an option to increase from 0 to 1500 milliseconds, this is the time that carriage will be stopped between passes keeping media under curing for more time. I hope this information helps

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