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MFC Printing HELP!

#1 james.townsley13965 a year ago

Hello all, R-series latex user- Any one with experience printing MFC- Melamine is a thermosetting plastic placed on paper (the paper can be patterned to resemble wood). Ive used the profile Solid Plastic Generic, Cloned it and changed overcoat and a few settings to make it more durable. it's now nearly scratch resistant..... but the second you wipe it with a. cleaner the ink comes off/ smudges. Do I need to prime the material? Leave longer to set/Dry? Anyone with any experience at all I'd love to hear what you've achieved! Thank you in advance, James.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @james.townsley13965, Can you please advise which printer you are using?

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#3 cpenny23704 10 months ago

Hi did you ever get a solve to this? I have a generic melamine that i want to print onto and am looking for a profile. using an r1000

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