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End of roll error after changing rolls

HP Latex 3000 Series

#1 GstockeBostonBarricade 6 years ago

Whenever I switch media rolls after printing a job and go through the necessary steps to load new media I almost always receive a "end of roll" error after hitting print. Happens on both of my Latex 3600s and after triple checking the spinels and how the media was loaded everything seems to be okay. Once the machine errors out and I reload the media through the IPS everything is okay to print. At this point it is just time consuming to have a job fully cancel out then restart it (15 - 20 minutes) Is this an IPS error or something triggered in the printer? Thank you for any info.

#2 HP-Sonia 6 years ago

#1 It is not an IPS error. Please try to follow the next steps: Select the unload media button previous to unload the media physically and follow the loading process step by step as it appears in the menu and in the user guide. After that put the adhesive strip on the media output core, you can rotate an extra half turn to the spindle for a better grip. If hope these tips help.

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#3 Shane Wilson 4 years ago

#1 I had something like that happen the other day. I think it has something to do with the media profile crashing. I edited the profile closed it and tried again and it worked.

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