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error 504

#1 gg3dmakers7782 4 years ago

I've got a problem with hp wallart pluggin - when I clicked "start HPWALLART design" it gives me 504 error...can somebody tell me what it causes? second issue - when i unclicked "selection of backgrounds" or "selection of obects" or both of them it shows NOTHING. I'e got no buttons, no icons, anything. do I missed something with instalation of this pluggin? all integration goes well, i got all checkboxes green

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @gg3dmakers7782, Can you please provide your WordPress Admin(wp-admin) credentials to debug the issue. You can drop me an email at

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#3 AlexGan a year ago

Remember to document any error messages or specific details about the issues you're encountering when contacting support, as this information can assist them in diagnosing and resolving the problems more efficiently.

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