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Error message on L26500

HP Latex 200 Series

#1 TGAPCLT 9 years ago

Good morning! Got Error Code 61:09 while printing on L26500 last night. Recommendation: RIP is unable to communicate with the printer. Check that all relevant cables are properly connected, and check whether the RIP has displayed any error message. I did the following: No such message at the rip All cables are in place and in good shape Cleared job and resent with same result, followed by message "Sending Print 3", cleared and resent again followed by "Sending Print 4" Reset Printerhard drive back to Factory Default - still got same results Uninstalled RIP ( Onyx PosterShop v11) and plan to re-install tonight in the event the error is still present after I re-install my rip, does anyone have any other suggestions or ideas? Thanks!

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi TGAPCLT, the SE 61:09 code, indicates that there is a communication problem between the RIP and the printer. For these kind of errors I will like to ask you to follow the possible solutions below: Check that the LAN cable of the PC where the RIP is installed is well connected (Done) Check that the LAN cable of the printer is well connected (Done). Check if there is any other error message in the RIP (Done). Check if this SE appears also with another job. If not the problem is that the job is corrupted. Uninstall the RIP and install the last version. (did this solve your problem?) If none of this recommendations worked, my advice is to contact support directly since it will be really difficult to help you remotely.

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