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HP Latex 360 Saturation levels and profiling questions

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 jrhodus 9 years ago

I'm working on profiling a custom media (printable media for heatpressing on apparel) and I'm not able to get very rich, saturated colors or hit a lot of my pantone colors. I'm starting with a canned HP profile and modifying from there. I've tried profiling through the printer itself and ergosoft with limited results. I'm currently using 110% saturation which works overall. Black can't go much higher, but the other colors could go to 130% or maybe 150%. I'll be testing this tomorrow, but I'm wondering if anyone has tried to setup a generic profile with too high saturation(150%) and then do your linearization in your RIP to further customize? I've currently just setup the 110% saturation and then linearized in the RIP which is pointless since the density is already limited. Thanks Solved! Go to Solution.

#2 dypinc 9 years ago

The only thing linearized in the RIP is going to do is further limit your inks. But if you use the backlit setting to allow the higher Ink Density you might be able to linearized in the RIP to more effectively utilize ink for more saturation on a given media. It will likely take a bunch of testing though.

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#3 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Dypinc is right. The HP Latex 300 Printer series have some ink densities restrictions. This article below will explain you haw it works and the workaround in order to increase the ink density limit: HP Latex 300 Printer series Ink Density

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#4 jrhodus 9 years ago

Thanks for the replies, I had read that article. What I wanted to do worked, I just had to find the right media to allow me to make changes. The Backlit PP/PE material had high saturation but the color calibration was locked. HP info says I should still be able to adjust with my RIP but I was not. I could make changes, but the changes wouldn't actually update and be saved. Once I found an unlocked high saturation media I was able to linearize properly with my RIP and save the changes. Thanks.

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#5 fishtifer 7 years ago

What was the unlocked high saturation media you found? I just got a Latex 560 and I can only find one media that will allow me to Calibrate and create an ICC but it's ink limit only goes to 185 (Generic Self Adhesive Vivid) I need a media that I can Calibrate and create an ICC that will allow me to go over 200, hopefully 230 or 260. HP Support says it can't be done and these profiles are made in Spain. I was used to simply checking the High Ink Level on for my L26500 and I got amazing backlits. Now every 560 Backlit or textile profile has way too much magenta in it and not enough yellow, so all my greys come out purple.

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