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HP Latex 365 Starts Sharp, blurry when 5 meter is printed

#1 Filip.degryse8488 4 years ago

Printing on Poli-Tape Poli-Flex ID 4010 with the profile available on the printer (downloaded). Prints starts fine (see image labeled 'Start'), but after aprrox. 5 meter, the print is quite blurry (see image labeled '5m'). What could cause this?

#2 tjvisualdesign5118 4 years ago

It's possible that the vacuum is too strong, try lowering it and see if it helps. I had this problem and it was the damn vacuum.

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#3 Filip.degryse8488 4 years ago

That's an interesting suggestion, we'll try that. Thanks.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @Filip.degryse8488, If you are facing this issue after 5 meters, it could be related to substrate advance. On the user guide (page 119) you can find the steps to follow in order to set the substrate advancing settings: The advance is related to the internal subsystem substrate advance sensor. If the problem persists, you should contact your support representative to check for any potential issue related to the sensor.

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#5 Latorre 3 years ago

Hello, We are having the same problem with two 570 lately, after 2 or 3 meters all the printing work start to blurry increasing more by distance. I add a couple of examples. You resolve the problem Filip? I will be grateful any help. Thanks

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