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printing a good "red"

HP Latex 330 Printer

#1 TGAPCLT 10 years ago

Customer trying to get a solid red that one would consider close to Coca Cola red on their L330 but all they seem to get are washed out, pale, dull looking reds . They're running FlexiSign Pro v11, media is IJ-30. Although they don't expect to hit Coke red, they were anticipating nice sharp reds like the ones they were use to getting off their Roland 540 4 color solvent. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

#2 dypinc 10 years ago

What is your quality setting? Passes, Ink Limit? Because of the HP imposed low ink limits at the regular settings you probably are going to have to use the Backlit Vinyl settings and work at, at least 12 pass and see where you can get the Ink Density too. Remember that the Latex Optimizer is figured into the ink density. Set that as low as you can get away with. Might have to go to 16 or 20 pass to allow for more drying if need be. You should be able to get better reds but not with any default settings. Use the diagnostic plot to see what you can get. If necessary go past the limit and then see if you can back the inks down in your RIP, if it allows that when make a linearazation and profile. The fact that HP thinking they could idiot proof these printers by making them a contone device, has made it much harder or near impossible to control inks, especially the light inks, to achieve bright high gamut colors the way you can with a halftone device.

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#3 TGAPCLT 10 years ago

Correction, media is IJ-180 and they're running at 10 pass for vehicle graphics. They could move to 12 pass, but anything slower would be counter productive, but I will pass along the suggestions. Thank you!

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#4 dypinc 10 years ago

I run IJ-180 at 10pass, 120% Ink Density. I would suspect that if you went with 12PPass backlit you could get it to run at 12Pass 150% or 170% Ink Density. Looks like the downloadable profiles with 10Pass 110% Ink Density. A word of warning on downloading profiles. When you create your own quality settings especially if you add them to existing media be sure to rename the media to a unique name because if you happen to download a profile with the same name it will overwrite your quality settings and profiles without asking.

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#5 TGAPCLT 10 years ago

Sorry, acxcidently hit Accepted instead of Reply - long story, but we ended up replacing the L330 with the L360 - customer is working with your suggestions now. I'll let you know how it goes.

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#6 --- 10 years ago

I am not getting RED color , through any rip Its ICC profile issue on SAV . let me know , ho wdo i get 100% Red color on Latex 360 . Ho wdo i change the icc profile for SAV with one of Polyester film. Regards, Ahmed Cell : +919959684786 dypinc wrote: I run IJ-180 at 10pass, 120% Ink Density. I would suspect that if you went with 12PPass backlit you could get it to run at 12Pass 150% or 170% Ink Density. Looks like the downloadable profiles with 10Pass 110% Ink Density. A word of warning on downloading profiles. When you create your own quality settings especially if you add them to existing media be sure to rename the media to a unique name because if you happen to download a profile with the same name it will overwrite your quality settings and profiles without asking.

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#7 dypinc 10 years ago

What media? What quality setting? How are you creating the profiles?

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#8 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

You can try this HP Self created Frontlit profile which allows to print with 150% ink density at 12 pass. Media preset SAV: Range of passes: 12, 16, 20 Range for %Ink Density: From 130% to 260% Universal High Saturation SAV. I hope this will help you.

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#9 TGAPCLT 10 years ago

I want to thank everyone who has submitted suggestions and / or asked questions. Early on customer used the following setting as a stop gap: Media is IJ-35 gloss Vinyl Backlit 12 pass 170% ID 230 degrees This seems to have satisfied his desire to print a "good red" but I will also pass on the Universal High Saturation profile. There are now other issues but are rip related such as converting from Flexi v8 and VersaWorks to Flexi Pro v11 - not having the spot color tool that was available in v8 has created frustration but I believe he will prevail.

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#10 ravujuqz434310196 3 years ago

I'm trying to print Vodafone red but it not coming out the color is especially the red.If any one can help me go through my issue. thanks

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