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HP Latex 310 Printer

#1 rar 8 years ago

Hello I have problem with my HP Latex 310 When i start printing black CMYK 100C100M100Y100K everything is OK But after printing a 20 cm color fades as if out of all color ink /look on images/ services support on my country send me answer that is faulty ink management.When printing in color does not make me this. Thank you for your response.

#2 dypinc 8 years ago

Why would ever want to print black using CMYK 100C100M100Y100K. Haven't you noticed that the best black with latex ink is 100K. In fact most RIPs have a setting to print pure primaries or black as inkjet black which turns color management off if you want to print the pure 100% colors of the printer, like your linearization targets. It sounds like your getting ink starvation. Slow your printer down by increasing the passes or adding inter-pass delay if you want to print like that.

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#3 rar 8 years ago

Before, I still print like this and did not make printer this problem. Could this problem cause dirty contacts on the optimiser head ?

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#4 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi rar, For your description, your issue may be caused by one of this two things: 1- Your Optimizer printhead has some issue. The the color shift may be visible in all colors. I'll recommend you to change the printhead. 2- The issue is caused by the media. I'll recommend you to use another media and please let me know which media were you using. Hope this helps.

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#5 rar 8 years ago

1-I try change optimiser head and any changes with print black 100C100M100Y100K When i set old head optimiser and clean contacts on head problem the problem disappears. 2- I printing on this media before at many times with no problem. On color print i have no problem

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#6 paulelw 5 years ago

#5 Check ALL Printheads health with diagnostic image. Replace any Printheads not providing suitable quality. Do some test swatches to get correct colour. Avoid printing 100% of all CMYK values. You will be using too much ink to get a suitable coverage and it would be unnecessary. You can use less ink and get better results.

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