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Re: HP LATEX 310 -> ERROR 79.2:04 Segmentation fault

HP Latex 310 Printer

#1 lerouxjul2 10 years ago

Hello, I have an HP Latex 310. This is the problem : When printer status is OFF during long time (more than one day, a full Week End for exemple) when I start printer simply pushing power on front panel button, I have a message error during boot : 79.2:04 Restart Printer. I went to upgrade firmware to the last one : NEXUS_00_03_09.3 - 6 Nov 2014 ...and still the same error when I turn printer on after long idle. It's really annoying especially on an all new printer. Does anyone here have already encountered this problem?

#2 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi lerouxjul, I've never heard about this problem before. I've asked to my colleagues from the lab, and they told me, that this error 79.2:04, used to appear while printing before the new firmware ( was released (the new firmware fixes this problem) They have neither heard about this problem before, and they will be kind to help you if you contact they directly through HP troubleshooting. I hope they will be able to provide you a solution!

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#3 lerouxjul2 10 years ago

I have error 79.2:04 with old firmwares, never when printing but always when starting printer after long idle. Flashing with the last firmware ( don't solve problem and I still have this error when starting printer after long idle. I have pictures of the screen showing error message, would you like that I upload it here, or should I have to contact directly through HP troubleshooting ?

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#4 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi lerouxjul, People from the Troubleshooting center is waiting for your case. I will advise is to send them directly the image to them, since they will be able to help you better than me. i will also appreciate to let me know if they finally solve your problem!

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#5 lerouxjul2 10 years ago

Hello, I went to open case. Case ID: 4650085758 Then I wait for their solution... Of course, I'll let you know if they solve the problem but I really hopes, because the printer is all new and I can't buy, pay and hold for a new defect printer.

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#6 lerouxjul2 10 years ago

There is problem... My case is now closed because they said that I have to ask my dealer for this problem... This is the email I received from HP : _"Hello, We will reply about "4650085758" case openned the "04/12/2014" about a (an) "310 HP Latex Printer" whose serial number is "MYXXXXXXX". We inform you that this is not supported by our service please contact your dealer. In our case, we proceeded with the closing of this case. Thank you in advance for your understanding. Best Regards,_ Best Regards, Rola Ben Malek 0157324300 French Customer Care Reception Printing & Personal System Group Hewlett-Packard"

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#7 dypinc 10 years ago

If you start it up with the network cable unpluged do you get the error? Does it boot far enough you can get into the setting menu?

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#8 lerouxjul2 10 years ago

I will try it but since I had this printer, I always start it with the network cable pluged. i don't understand what you mean by "Does it boot far enough you can get into the setting menu?" Does I have to change boot setting in the setting menu ? Thanks

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#9 dypinc 10 years ago

79.2:04 are usely network errors. When the printer starts at what point do you get this error? Does it get far enough to see the menu? Have you tried a direct network connection to the RIP computer instead of through Router, Network Switch, etc?

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#10 lerouxjul2 10 years ago

When the printer starts I didn't see the printer Menu because the error arrives before. Error arrive during loading printer operating System. I didn't try a direct network connection to the RIP because network is a bit complicated : printer is behind one CISCO router and one CISCO switch. It works good without never network problems with all the printers we have.

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#11 dypinc 10 years ago

If I am getting this correct your were getting 79.2:04 errors before the latest firmware was loaded, but it booted to the main menu. But now after installing the latest firmware it will no longer boot to the main menu. If that is the case you need to get a tech in one way or another.

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#12 lerouxjul2 10 years ago

Hi, still no solution from reseller... I have seen that I'm not the only one with this error :

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#13 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

I have a new problem with my Latex 310 :

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