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So I have had it with HP Latex Print & Cut - PLEASE HELP!!

#1 FC Graphics 4 years ago

Where to start? Well the beginning would take far too long. This was jinxed from the delivery on. I have had this printer for maybe a little over two years. I bought it as my first large format printer. I don't do this full time and this printer is pretty much babied. I only put two set of inks through it so you can see I don't do large production. It has been a roller coaster of media waste and ink waste with periods of working like a charm. In any case my recent adventures include yellow leaking all over the inside of the printer and onto the floor.... how???? (See Pictures)I have bought and replaced light M/C print head three times with no luck. Running on 4 color does a better jobs. I have ran all print tests, cleaned everything by hand and with what the machine offers. But a las.... xmas season.... can't get crap to print right. Light Cyan barely fires no matter what. I would think with as little use and well maintained this printer should give me minimal problems. But it is just a lemon? The only that I haven't been able to do it is a optimize print test. It shows a code a little into the first print. See attached photos as well.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @FC Graphics, As this issue is related to ink leakage, a technician should see the root cause of it. I suggest contacting your support representative.

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#3 FC Graphics 4 years ago

#2 The yellow leak has been cleaned up and I haven't had an issue in sometime. But almost ever since the time of purchase I have had issues with the LC LM. I have just put two new printheads on and neither of them are performing. I am going to contact them directly.

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#4 paulelw 4 years ago

#1 I would check with your supplier. If you are changing heads only it could be your Light Cyan and Light Magenta Inks have been contaminated and you would be best to get those ink cartridges exchanged and then check your printheads which may need to be exhcnaged also after the ink from new cartridges has pass through to the printheads. Update to the latest firmware using a USB Stick also. The leak is possibly a faulty PIP Sensor which should be changed out under warranty by your Service Provider. I trust this helps you and feel free to post any results good or otherwise.

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