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Locked PDF

#1 Kayleigh_NC 8 years ago

With the new update in the WallArt software the files that are created and downloaded from the site are now locked/secured PDFs which means we cant do any adjustments or tweaking on our end. Does anyone know a way to change this? I have reached out to HP and they keep telling me its a RIP issue but it has nothing to do with our RIP! They are no help.

#2 --- 8 years ago

(Edited) Is how I've got around this - but not ideal! My RIP (SAI HP Basic Edition) won't even print a locked PDF.

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#3 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Kayleigh_NC, I would like to inform you that if your RIP is a certified RIP by HP you should be able to print the last HP WallArt generated PDFs with it. You can check the whole list of certified RIPs in ( However in order to have a better understanding with your issue and provide you an accurate resolution of it my best suggestion would be to keep engaging with the HP WallArt support team and they will be happy to provide you with a solution. Hi Dave_Synthax21, There are ways to “unlock” PDF’s but since the solution has not been tested nor supported by HP I’ll like to ask you to remove the link from your post. Regarding your RIP version, you can check if it is HP certified. If so, you should be able to print the HP WallArt generated PDF’s with no problem. (

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#4 Dave_Syntax21 8 years ago

Hi Marc Thanks for adding more info - I'll contac HP Wallart Support - as my RIP looks to be supported: HP Basic Flexi V12 - build 2042. HP Wallart website states that: "HP Edition Flexi 12 with SP1", the problem there is SAI do not release their software using "Service Packs (SP1 etc)" They use build numbers, so it's impossible to compare. Please can the website be updated to show the minimum build number? Thanks Dave

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#5 Al_ 7 years ago

Running into the same issue... our rip is certified. Not sure why HP chooses to lock them but it's a pain unlocking them. How can we reduce set up time if we can't just throw the files into a hot folder and just click print.

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#6 gibuzazu6299 5 years ago

Try Softaken PDF Champ

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#7 orborneee17559 a year ago

I have heard many people recommend Softaken PDF Champ. I think it's worth a try .

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#8 AlexGan a year ago

Remember to back up your original files before attempting any adjustments to avoid potential data loss. If the issue remains unresolved, escalating the matter to higher levels of HP support or seeking assistance from a local HP service provider might be necessary.

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