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#1 FC Graphics 4 years ago

Hello, So my #5 - Y/M print head shows it need to be replaced. So when I replaced it the marking on the chart looks choppy or smudged. Please look at picture. Anytime I try to print anything that needs that magenta it starts some what strong but eventual bands really bad. Orange i horrible right from the get go. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jeremy

#2 FPLSIGNS 4 years ago

Hi Jeremy, Looking at the picture it could a be faulty printhead ( is it still in warranty?), you might be able to save it by performing OPQ ( Optimize Print Quality) which does a all around check of everything you can find that by going to your Settings then selecting Image Quality Maintenance then select Optimize Print Quality takes a short while then do a plot test and see what it looks like, if that doesn't work then if the printhead is still in warranty I would return it and just install a new one. Hope this helps. Dave FPL Signs

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#3 FC Graphics 4 years ago

Thanks Dave. Yes. I did everything including taking it out an cleaning it. It ended up being a junky head. Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it.

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#4 jeff.bird7424 4 years ago

Use the de-ioninzed water dropper supplied with most latex printers at install to place 3 drops of water on the heads nozzles, once removed from the printer, you should see it absorb into the head. I have found a gentle tapping of the topside of the head to a tabletop helps the water migrate in, wait 10 seconds and repeat this process, you should do it 3 times in all, then place a lint free absorbent cloth along the length of your index finger, turn the head upright, so the nozzles are facing down. Hold the head against the lint free cloth for 3 seconds and then draw the head along the length of your finger, it will produce a clear draw of ink as it pulls some of the ink out. Then put the head back in, if the head was simply clogged it will help it far more than the primer assembly will during the cleaning cycle.

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